Saturday, July 5, 2008

Recipe for a piece of real bread

Od onie recepti koi se zamena za hranata vo ne-sve`iot na~in na ishrana :

Leb su{en na sonce

Iako zvu~i ~udno ke bidete iznenadeni kolku e vkusno
Potrebni sostojki:

  • 1 {olja p~eni~ni snegulki
  • ¼ {olja ovesni snegulki
  • ¼ {olja p~eni~ni trici
  • ¼ {olja leneno seme
  • ¼ {olja integralen susam
  • 1 {olja orevi
  • malku suvo grozje
  • 1 kl kim
  • 2 sl ladnocedeno son~ogledovo maslo
  • morska sol

Site sostojki (osven kimot suvoto grozje i ladnocedenoto son~ogledovo maslo) se melat vo ma{inka za kafe ili vo mo}en blender.

Grozjeto se gme~i, se rastvora vo malku voda i so site drugi sostojki se zamesuva testo. Testoto treba da ima minimalno koli~estvo na voda.

Se rasporeduva so debelina od 0.5 cm i se se~e na par~iwa golemi do 10 sm. Par~iwata se postavuvaat na podignata mre`asta podloga ( zaradi cirkulirawe na vozduhot, metalna mre`a ne se prepora~uva bidej}i metalot dostignuva golema temperatura) i se izlo`uvaat na sonce. Taka tie se su{at 3 ~asa. Voobi~aeno traat okolu nedela dena. Za eden obrok e potrebno maksimum 3 lep~iwa, dosta se vkusni i imaat golema nutritivna vrednost.

One of thouse recipes which is essential when switching of from the no-raw lifestyle :)

Sundried bread

Although it sounds strange, you will be surprised how good this tastes.


  • 1 cup wheat oats
  • ¼ cup white oats
  • ¼ cup wheat bran
  • ¼ seeds
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • little dried grapes
  • 1 tea spoon kim spice
  • 2 table spoon raw sunflower oil
  • sea salt by taste

All of the ingredients except for the kim, the dried grapes and oil should be grated in a coffee machine or in a powerful blender so they can become powder like.

The grapes are then pressed with the hand and are put in water with all the other ingredients-that is how the flour is made. The flour should have a minimal ingredient of water.

The flour is cut down on pieces not bigger than 10cm and thick 0.5 cm. The pieces are put on a object made of fabric a little higher so that the air can circulate and then they are set on the sum
(metal nets are not recommendable since their temperature becomes very high on the sun). They need 3 hours to be dried. They can last for about a week or maybe few days longer. For one meal you need the most 3 pieces of bread, they are delicious and they have a big nutritional value.

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