Sunday, July 6, 2008

The King of the asanas : Supported Head Stand

Pri~inata zo{to po~nuvam so edna pote{ka pozicija vo jogata e zaradi nejzinata celovita delotvornost na site aspekti na ~ovekovoto telo ( kako i sekoja ve`ba vo jogata). Celiot prostor odvoen za jogata na ovoj blog e zaradi nejzinata (spored mene) tesna povrzanost so hraneweto so sve`a hrana. Ovaa pozicija a odbiram kako eden vid voved (predigra) vo site idni tekstovi vo ~est na jogata.

Salamba Sirsasana ili stoj na glava so potpirawe na racete, vo anti~kite knigi e opi{ana kako edna od najva`nite pozicii vo jogata t.n. kral na asanite. Ovaa pozicija e povrzana i so sopstvenata dlaboka samodoverba na toa deka mo`ete da ja izvedete, nasproti te{kotijata na mislata deka va{eto telo treba da se najde vo taa pozicija (stoeweto na glava e pomognato od racete koi formiraat triagolnik i e namalena opasnosta od povredi, istovremeno obezbeduvaj}i pogolema stabilnost na teloto).

Ona {to treba da se zapomni pri izveduvaweto na ovaa pozicija e deka treba da se pravi na mesto kade{to }e imate dovolno prostor da se prevrtite kon napred ili kon nazad (dokolku ne uspeete da odr`ite ramnote`a), a da ne udrite vo nekoj predmet. Lu|eto so visok krven pritisok i povredi na vratot ne bi trebalo da ja izveduvaat ovaa ve`ba. Prvoto izveduvawe e prepora~livo da se napravi so svojot joga instruktor.


  1. Najprvin se zapo~nuva od pozicijata dijamant. Potoa se kleknuva vo pozicijata ma~ka, a racete se isprepleteni i formiraat triagolnik.
  2. Pozadinata na glavata treba da se najde pome|u racete , a vrvot na glavata na samiot pod. Racete i laktite formiraat triagolnik i pravata podloga za odr`uvawe na balans na teloto postaveno vo obratna polo`ba.
  3. Ispravete gi va{ite kolena i krenete gi va{ite kolkovi
  4. Bez iskrivuvawe na kolenata, odete so stapalata najblisku {to mo`ete do svojata glava. Kolkovite turnete gi nanazad taka da va{iot vrat da ne bide svitkan kon napred ili kon nazad, tuku da ostane vo ista ramnina so grbot.
  5. Svitkajte gi kolenata kon svojot graden ko{ i podignete gi nozete od podot, stavaj}i gi kolkovite kon nazad dodeka go pravite ova, napravete pauza vo ovaa to~ka-nemojte vedna{ da gi krevate va{ite kolena u{te pogore.
  6. Zadr`uvaj}i gi va{ite kolena svitkani, kreneti gi kon plafonot, koristej}i gi svoite stoma~ni muskulki.
  7. Sega poleka ispravete gi va{ite noze. ]e ja po~ustvuvate najgolemata te`ina na svoeto telo vo dolniot del od racete. Za da se vratite nazad napravete gi nanazad ~ekorite 5,6 i 7. Ostanete vo pozicija zajak za odmor najmalku 6 dlaboki di{ewa.

Praktikuvaweto na ovaa ve`ba sekoj den po 5 minuti nosi
zdravje vo tekot na celiot `ivot.

The reason why I am starting with one harder position in yoga is because it’s compact influence to all aspects of the human body and soul (like every other position in yoga). The whole space left on this blog for the theme of yoga is because of it’s (by my opinion) connection with raw lifestyle. I have chosen this position as an introduction to all the other future posts related to yoga.

Salamba Sirsasana or head stand with the support of your hands, in the ancient books is described as one of the most important positions in yoga, king of the asana. This position has everything to do with your inner self-confidence more than it has to do with the thought how your body is going to physically pull it off (the head stand is helped by the hands which formulate a triangle and that’s how the risk of being hurt is removed as well as the safety of a bigger stability of the body).

What you need to remember is that when you are practicing this position you must have enough space in front of you and behind you in case you fall down-it’s best to roll up front or backwards. People with high blood pressure and neck injures should not practice this position. It’s recommendable that the first practice should be done under the supervision of your yoga instructor.


1. Kneel down and rest your weight on your forearms. Wrap your hands around your elbows.

2. Release your hands and place them in front of you, with fingers interlocked. Your elbows now stay in this position.

3. Place the back of your head in your clasped hands and the top of your head on the floor. The hands and elbows form a tripod, making a firm foundation for the inverted body

4. Now straighten your knees and raise your hips.

5. Without bending the knees, walk your feet in as close to your head as possible. Pull your hips back so that your neck is not bent backward or forward, but is in a straight line with the spine.

6. Bend your knees into your chest and lift feet off the floor, pulling your hips backward as you do so. Pause at this point - do not immediately attempt to raise your knees higher.

7. Then, keeping your knees bent, lift them up toward the ceiling, using your abdominal muscles

8. Now slowly straighten your legs. You will feel most of the body's weight on the forearms. To come down, reverse steps 5, 6, and 7. Rest in the childs pose for at least six deep breaths.

Practicing this position every day for 5 minutes makes you
healthier during your whole life.

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